
Collab with David A...
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Collab with David Asbill

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Traveling Bone SC
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Below is a link to a video clip I created in hopes of getting some ideas for a tune that I seem to can't get over the hump on. I have limited time these days and I really want to get the ball rolling on this particular tune. No rush at all. Thanks for any insight or suggestions. I'm not a pro and I don't make money off of this stuff. Maybe this tune will evolve into something as time goes on. Key of C. As mentioned in the video I don't know the name of some of the chords although I used to I'm sure. If you need more in depth, hit me up here and I'll be glad to oblige. Let's see where this goes! Thanks again, Rich!




This topic was modified 3 months ago 2 times by Traveling Bone SC

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Link works great! I will take a listen - perhaps a few others will also contribute....

Post the lyrics here as well..

I can also name your chords for you - if you're interested... 


This post was modified 3 months ago by Rich

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Posted by: @traveling-bone-sc

Below is a link to a video clip I created in hopes of getting some ideas for a tune that I seem to can't get over the hump on. I have limited time these days and I really want to get the ball rolling on this particular tune. No rush at all. Thanks for any insight or suggestions. I'm not a pro and I don't make money off of this stuff. Maybe this tune will evolve into something as time goes on. Key of C. As mentioned in the video I don't know the name of some of the chords although I used to I'm sure. If you need more in depth, hit me up here and I'll be glad to oblige. Let's see where this goes! Thanks again, Rich!




So - I took a stab at this - let me know your thoughts.

If I had a dollar   For every time      I held you close     and your lips met mine


I’d be a rich man  that’s for sure   but then I wake up  and I’m still poor.


In my dreams, we are so happy  there just us and world seems right


But every morning, as the rooster crows my heart is empty and the loneliness grows


Chorus. (Since you go to an Am chord here, it calls for a melancholy line).... see if this triggers anything for you.. I'll keep listening. when I have a chance I'll put my guitar in my hand and see if something comes from it.


This post was modified 3 months ago 2 times by Rich

Traveling Bone SC
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I'll be working on this throughout the week. Not bad, Rich, but I've already changed the chorus. I've also thinking about giving it an upbeat tempo. I'll be in touch thanks.

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@traveling-bone-sc - I like the chord progression on this one and the tempo.. Perhaps, you have two songs there?

Traveling Bone SC
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Link to recording:

Rough recording, missed a few vocal notes and I had to slow down/pause before the Chorus to swipe down on my cell phone.  Hopefully one can access the link and recording. Let me know as I'm sure you will! 😊 open for recommendations and please formulate lyrics about the value of love, in this tune anyway. Thx. David


Intro: C Am7 Fmaj7 G

If I had a dollar
For all the times
I kissed your lips
And held you tight

Well, I'd be rich man
But I'd want more
I'd never get enough
Honey that's for sure

But baby lately
I'm coming up short
Nickel and dining
Growing poor

We got to get back
Cuz we know what's there
A pot of gold
For us to share

Am                        Ammaj7
Baby I can see it in your eyes
You're running on empty
And so am I
Dm                             G/
Let's fill back up on love
Startin' tonight


This post was modified 2 months ago by Traveling Bone SC

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Hey David - so - in the song, 'why' is the question that should be addressed in 2nd verse.. The verse/chorus gives the impression of two people in love but something happened and they (he) is trying to find a way back to where they were....


play with this in the 2nd verse.. what happened? Did life get in the way? Distractions from work, the kids, the day to day humdrum of life? Approach verse 2 from that perspective... then back to the chorus....


The bridge could be the 'solution' to how they get back on track...... and then finish with the chorus...


I'll ponder the lyrics but look at it from this perspective - you may find the words you need

Traveling Bone SC
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@lbtzevte thanks!
